A Premarital Question

Whether it is a love marriage or an arranged marriage, what questions come

Methi Ke Laddoo

BLUSH & Chhoti Production Company, in association with Indira IVF, present


A girl goes through a traumatic experience after being raped but finds cour

Sucks'S Story

Sucks'S Story is a film about Maya Nagri-Mumbai, where a single success sto

Maya The Journey Begins

The story revolves around a girl who unfortunately becomes a victim. As the


In the best traditions of farce- what happens when your main character disa

Electric Piya

A high school girl brings a new bulb for her study lamp. The bulb is anthro


Even today In the 21st century where We humans have conquered almost all im


Get into the world of #Maya. Where a love story goes on over a series of ph


Aprajita is a successful working woman, and like many of her peers, returns