“A Gentle Giant” is a story about a father inspiring his son to stand tall, against the odds of the world and not give up on his ‘goodness’. In the process, the father himself has to fight and stand up for what is right and correct. Rajesh Godbole is a tall and strong man. Yet, he is a simple, straightforward, easy-going and content guy; who is happy with whatever life has given him. Rajesh is even okay with his formidable boss putting him down and insulting him every single time. Because, that is the way Rajesh is made. Smiling, kind and forgiving. And not someone who is looking for vengeance. The problem starts when one fine day, his only son, Avi Godbole, comes home badly beaten and bruised by a gang of bullies at college. Avi decides to tackle the bullies in their own way because he has had enough of showing all the goodness and kindness towards bad people. And, also because he has witnessed the goodness of his father being run down by everyone. Rajesh wants to be there for his son and help him. He wants to make sure that Avi doesn’t end up taking a wrong turn in his life. Can Rajesh stop Avi from becoming a bad person? Can Rajesh overcome his own helplessness against his boss’s dominating ways and help his son to stay on the right path?

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